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Match 2024 Timeline – Important Dates

Recruitment season officially began on June 7 with the opening of the AAMC Electronic Residency Application Service® (ERAS®), the centralized online application service. We expect the 2024 Main Residency Match to be another successful one for DO seniors and graduates–in 2023, with another record match rate at nearly 92 percent for DO seniors and an all-in placement rate of 91.6% as reported by AACOM.

Here, you will find a list of important dates in those Match timelines. As you prepare, please check out the NBOME’s “Navigating GME” for resources to help with your transition to residency.

Best of luck!




June 7, 2023 9:00am ET | ERAS® registration opens

Now that ERAS® has opened, you can create your profile and application in the MyERAS portal.  To get access, contact your Designated Dean’s Office for your one-time access code for registration. These user webinars will give you a better understanding of how to navigate MyERAS.  As you continue researching residency programs, the AAMC’s Residency Explorer Tool or AMA FREIDA database can help you find programs that are a good fit for you.


September 6, 2023 9:00am ET | Signed, Sealed, Delivered

ERAS applicants can now begin applying for residency programs. Keep in mind that programs cannot begin reviewing applications until September 27, so you will have a few weeks to submit your applications prior to that time — don’t feel pressured to do it all in one day.


September 15, 2023 |  NRMP Registration opens

The National Residency Matching Program® (NRMP®) provides the mechanism for matching applicants to programs using MyERAS. The 2024 NRMP Match registration opens on September 15, 2023, when you will be able to create your profile.  Make sure to have your AOA ID and NBOME ID handy as both are required for registration.


September 27, 2023 9:00am ET |  Application Reviews

MyERAS opens for residency programs to review submitted applications.  Many programs will start their reviews at this time to send out interview invitations as early as the end of September.  Make sure to load as many required documents as possible for these “early bird” reviews.


October 2023 – January 2024 |  Interview Time!

Residency programs will extend interviews during this time. Most specialties recommend virtual interviews but each institution may handle this differently.  Find out what your desired specialty has planned for this interview season. Make sure you’re ready to ace your virtual interview with these important tips.


February 1 – February 28, 2024 |  Ranking is Open

You can now submit your Rank Order List to the NRMP® (you must be registered to do this). Here are some tips from the NRMP on how to do it right. (And don’t forget to verify your COMLEX-USA scores too!) You have until 9:00pm ET on February 28, 2024 to submit your list, and remember: registering establishes your eligibility for SOAP (the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program) in this year’s Match.


March 11 – 15, 2024 |  We’re So Excited

It’s finally Match Week! Your match status becomes available at 11:00am ET on March 11, and SOAP begins for eligible unmatched and partially-matched applicants to unmatched positions. There are 4 rounds of SOAP.  Make sure to check the SOAP schedule here.


March 15, 2024 |  Drumroll Please

It’s Match Day! Celebrate with your classmates at your COM’s 2024 Main Residency Match Day celebration. Match results will be made available at 1:00pm ET. Share your Match stories with us using #IMatchedwithCOMLEX




Additionally, the specialty matches for Ophthalmology and Urology begin recruitment as well as the Joint Service Graduate Medical Education Selection Board match. 


June 22, 2023

American Urological Association Specialty Match (AUA) opens for registration


July 1, 2023

Joint Service Graduate Medical Education Selection Board (Military)


July 3, 2023

The San Francisco (SF) Match Central Application Service (CAS) opens for Ophthalmology applicants to create a profile and application.  This application service also performs the match process. Important changes to this Match to note are:  Integrated Programs (programs with an included PGY 1 year) will match using the SF Match, while Joint programs (programs starting at the PGY 2 year) will need to reach out to those programs to determine if they will need to also register for the NRMP Match.


September 1, 2023

SF Match opens for programs to view submitted applications and documents from prospective Ophthalmology applicants.

Applicants in AUA Match can begin sending “signals to programs” until September 15.


January 30, 2024

San Francisco Match for Ophthalmology rank order list is due.


Navigating GME | Match Resources

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