COVID-19 can’t dampen the excitement of graduating from a College of Osteopathic Medicine and earning the title “DOctor” Let’s celebrate your achievements virtually — Include #DOProud2020 in your posts!
Make it Count Monday
Now is a great time to give back in your hometown – whether it’s a couple of cans donated to a local food bank or shelter, volunteering your time with a worthy cause, or helping to support your local blood bank — every little bit counts!
Take Us Back Tuesday
Let’s rewind to your first day of medical school and then fast-forward to your last. Share your best side-by-side pictures on social media.
Write It Wednesday
Who has been your biggest champion or influenced you the most during medical school? Take a moment to write and share five quick notes with professors, staff, colleagues, or friends and show them how important they have been on your #RoadtoDOLicensure.
Throwback Thursday
What was your favorite COM memory? Share a social media post of your story with the DO community – make sure you tag your classmates, your COM.
Fresh Start Friday
What are you looking forward to the most in residency? Share your list with others on social media.
Best of luck from NBOME! Extra points if you use our logo.