Practice-Based Learning and Improvement in Osteopathic Medical Practice
Practice-based learning and improvement is the continuous self-evaluation of osteopathic medical practice, using evidence-based medicine approaches to develop best practices that will continuously improve patient experiences of care, reduce inefficiencies and redundancies, and result in optimal and equitable patient care outcomes.
Osteopathic physicians must assimilate and apply evidence-based medicine principles and practices, fundamental biostatistical and epidemiologic concepts, clinical decision-making skills, and methods to evaluate relevance and validity of established and evolving scientific evidence. Osteopathic physicians must also appraise the clinical significance of research evidence.
Osteopathic physicians must demonstrate the use of best medical evidence, practical strategies for integrating evidence-based principles and practices into patient care, and systematic methods relating to continuous self-evaluation of clinical practice patterns and practice-based improvements, including those that reduce medical errors, address disparities in health care, and promote health. Osteopathic physicians must set learning and quality improvement goals and must incorporate feedback and reflection into daily practice.
Required Elements
The osteopathic physician must articulate and apply fundamental epidemiologic concepts to practice-based learning and improvement.
The osteopathic physician must:
- interpret features and meanings of different types of data, including quantitative and qualitative, and different types of scales (e.g., nominal, dichotomous, ordinal, continuous).
- interpret measures of central tendency, including mode, median, and mean, and measures of variability, including variance and standard deviation.
- explain and interpret measures of frequency of disease, injury, and death in forms of rate, ratio, and proportion, including incidence and prevalence.
The osteopathic physician must interpret literature regarding research and clinical topics for use in understanding disease- and patient-oriented evidence.
The osteopathic physician must:
- conduct, interpret, and apply systematic reviews (e.g., meta-analysis) of literature regarding specific research and clinical topics with an understanding of limitations, such as design bias and sources of scientific uncertainty.
- compare and contrast disease- and patient-oriented evidence in the interpretation of literature.
- identify and apply population health data to address health care disparities.
The osteopathic physician must learn and apply evidence-based osteopathic medical principles and practices.
The osteopathic physician must:
- access the best-available/highest level of evidence in order to answer a clinical question with accuracy and maximum efficiency.
- critically appraise the available evidence and its validity, impact, and applicability.
- evaluate and apply evidence in a manner that takes into consideration a patient’s cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental influences and personal perspectives.
The osteopathic physician must determine the clinical significance of research evidence.
The osteopathic physician must:
- judge and interpret aspects of statistical inference and hypothesis testing (e.g., decision errors, sample size, power, confidence intervals, degree of freedom, blinding, external and internal validity, number needed to treat, number needed to harm, sample size) as applied to osteopathic medical practice.
- interpret pretest/posttest probabilities in diagnostic and screening tests, as applied to osteopathic medical practice.
- identify and explain potential biases in research that could have implications on health care.
The osteopathic physician must apply evidence-based medicine to clinical practice.
The osteopathic physician must:
- use information technology to optimize learning and to access and manage medical information.
- communicate best clinical evidence, including osteopathic principles and practice, to patients and colleagues in a respectful manner.
The osteopathic physician must identify, describe, and apply systematic methods relating to continuous evaluation of personal osteopathic clinical practice patterns, practice-based improvements, and the reduction of medical errors. The osteopathic physician must do so using information about individual patients, populations of patients, or communities to improve care.
The osteopathic physician must:
- describe the nature, function, and utilization of strategies in quality improvement and health failure modes and effects analysis.
- incorporate regular feedback and reflection into practice, as well as set learning and improvement goals that promote health equity and cultural competency.