COMLEX-USA Registration & Scheduling
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In order to register COMLEX-USA examination, the candidate must
- Set up an online account with the NBOME and agree to the Terms and Conditions contained therein. With this account, a candidate can register, schedule, or cancel a COMLEX-USA examination by accessing the NBOME website ( and logging in to the NBOME Portal. Because dates and seats are limited, candidates are advised to attempt to schedule an examination at least 120 days in advance of the desired test date(s).
- Be made eligible by their COM to take each COMLEX-USA examination before they can register and take such examination.
Testing dates for COMLEX-USA Level 1, Level 2-CE, and Level 3 are generally available for scheduling up to six months in advance. The examination calendar can be found on the NBOME website.
Examination fee information for each specific examination can be found here.
If a candidate is a person with disabilities as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, and has established an account with the NBOME, is eligible for the examination and affirmatively has accepted the Terms and Conditions online, they may apply to the NBOME for reasonable accommodations under the ADA if needed for a COMLEX-USA examination to be offered in a place and manner accessible to the candidate. Any candidate requesting an accommodation under the ADA must:
- Download the appropriate form and instructions and carefully review the instructions, and complete the form.
- Compile and provide credible and objective documentation to substantiate that the candidate is a “person with disability” as defined by the ADA, including the candidate’s physical or mental impairment(s), how the impairment(s) substantially limits the candidate’s ability to access the examination as is compared with most people in the general population, and why the requested accommodation(s) is necessary and reasonable for the examination to be accessible to the candidate.
- Include with the completed application form a personal statement that elaborates or further explains the information requested on the application form.
- Submit the completed form and all supporting documentation to the NBOME by email to (preferred method) or by USPS-certified mail return receipt requested or other commercial carrier at 101 West Elm Street, Suite 230, Conshohocken, PA 19428.
Candidates are eligible to apply for test accommodations after completing one year of medical school. These candidates may apply even before their COM has made them eligible for COMLEX-USA Level 1 so they may remain on their COM’s schedule for testing with their class. Candidates not yet eligible for COMLEX-USA Level 1 that wish to apply for accommodations must submit documentation demonstrating completion of their first year such as an unofficial transcript, or signed and dated letter from a school official provided on school letterhead with their application materials. A completed application with full supporting documentation is generally evaluated and a decision rendered by the NBOME within approximately seventy-five (75) days of its receipt by the NBOME; however additional processing time may be required if additional documentation is needed.
If the candidate does not provide complete information and supporting documentation within thirty (30) days of receipt by the candidate of any notification that the application is incomplete, the NBOME will close the candidate’s request and notify the candidate that the case has been closed. The candidate may subsequently submit a new application for test accommodations.
A candidate may not schedule an accommodated examination unless and until the candidate receives written approval of the accommodation from the NBOME. Nonetheless, pending NBOME’s consideration of a request for accommodation(s), a candidate may schedule a standard (non-accommodated) examination. However, if an accommodation is later approved by the NBOME, and the candidate has not taken the standard examination, the candidate will need to cancel and schedule a new examination in order to utilize the approved accommodation(s). See “Candidate Rescheduled, Canceled, or Missed Scheduled Examinations.”
If an accommodation is approved by the NBOME for a candidate to take a COMLEX-USA examination, the candidate will be informed in writing of the required steps to register for and schedule an accommodated exam.
If the candidate chooses to schedule and takes a standard (non-accommodated) examination while their request for accommodation and any accommodated examination is pending, the candidate’s application of an accommodation will be deemed to have been withdrawn and the NBOME will score the standard (non-accommodated) examination and report the candidate’s score in the manner set forth herein.
If an application for accommodation is not approved as requested, and the candidate thereafter obtains new information and/or documentation supporting their request and which addresses the NBOME’s concerns, the candidate may request the NBOME to reconsider its decision. Any request for reconsideration must be in writing and submitted to the NBOME by email at Requests for reconsideration are subject to the same level of review as initial applications and are generally evaluated and a decision reported by the NBOME within approximately seventy-five (75) days of the NBOME’s receipt of the request. Candidates are permitted one (1) reconsideration per examination level.
The process and fees associated with candidates that reschedule, cancel, or miss scheduled examinations differ by the examination type and lead time.
For COMLEX-USA Level 1, Level 2-CE, and Level 3, candidates may reschedule as follows:
More than 30 days before the scheduled date
- Reschedule or cancel online
- No fee due
- Receive a refund for the full amount for cancellations
6 to 30 days before the scheduled date
- Reschedule or cancel online
- Forfeit $85 of the registration fee for COMLEX-USA Level 1, Level 2-CE, and $170 for Level 3
- Receive a refund for the remainder for cancellations
1 to 5 days before the scheduled date
- Reschedule or cancel online
- Forfeit $250 of the registration fee for COMLEX-USA Level 1, Level 2-CE
- Forfeit $350 of the registration fee for COMLEX-USA Level 3
- Receive a refund for the remainder for cancellations
Within 24 hours of the scheduled date
- Candidate is a “No Show”
- Forfeit $400 of the registration fee for COMLEX-USA Level 1, Level 2-CE
- Forfeit $500 of the registration fee for COMLEX-USA Level 3
- Receive a refund for the remainder for cancellations
Note: Candidates taking COMLEX-USA Levels 1 or 2-CE may not schedule an examination day less than 5 calendar days before the exam date. COMLEX-USA Level 3 candidates must schedule by the registration deadlines for each testing window listed on the NBOME website.
If the candidate reschedules, cancels, or is considered a “No Show” because of circumstances beyond their control, and submits a request to the NBOME in writing no later than 30 days following the scheduled/missed administration, the NBOME in its sole discretion may waive and/or refund all or a portion of the rescheduling/cancellation fee.

Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve compiled answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the NBOME, our products, and services. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, please feel free to reach out to us.