This Valentine’s Day week, we took to X and Instagram to ask our DO students and residents how they treat themselves while studying for COMLEX-USA. With over 730 comments, we are excited to be able to share those throughout 2024 for our #WellnessWednesday campaign to help promote self-care and mental health within the osteopathic community.
From plant adoption to cleaning the apartment and pickle ball to new recipes, we saw so many interesting and thoughtful ways that students treat themselves, and we hope that others can glean new ideas and ways to apply that to their own free time as well!

Below, you can take a look at the collection of comments on how DO students and residents treat themselves: How DO You Treat Yourself? – All Responses
elizabethturner91 | Trip to the winter farmers market with my twin sister to pick up treats from @pieparty_ |
ashleyykeane | playing catan with my friends |
baileytbrown | Going outside for sun! |
katiebraffitt | Taking my dog for walks |
bgunt20 | Watching the TV show “Castle”! |
canadianbaconlaiken | I like to take my dog, Fern, on lots of long walks! It makes her happy! |
taramck3nna | cooking with my roommates when they’re also taking a study break |
shannon.weatherly | Spending time with @taramck3nna!! |
8393lucas | I learn to cook/bake something new |
goldenjared17 | I like watching the Celtics |
sophhhiia | Getting a mani pedi |
emmymarie42 | Getting out in the sunshine ☀️ ☀️☀️ |
emytthomas | Good food and a good show:) |
mehlimar | Early bedtime |
jetsetjesi | Lots of coffee ☕️ and walks with my puppy |
doctorgbaby | I like to treat myself to 40 mins of gaming time. My current favorite game is God of War. |
mdiscenz | Eating my feelings!! |
thewhitecoatchronicles | I buy myself pretty yarn for crochet projects |
thedaysofkay | binge watching youtube vlogs! |
zanedire | I like to read fantasy books. I also light a candle and enjoy being on the phone with the my family! |
lexly03 | Going for a walk♀️(when the weather allows) |
anna.sea.holcomb | I make time everyday to read for fun, I exercise, hang out with my dog, and go out for French fries at the end of every rotation! |
yashaswiparikh | lighting some candles and taking a bubble bath 🙂 |
pagingdoctormegan | Long workouts at the gym! |
jessicalundyyy | I like to watch my favorite show after I’m done studying |
babysquishy | A nice deep tissue massage after a practice exam is always a nice reset before the study doom returns! |
cduechle33 | A good book a cup of tea |
jessica_reyes9610 | Going to gym or on a run or watching the challenge! |
alexloperfito | Golf with classmates! |
chefjoetrav | Cooking for my wife and snuggling with our puppy! |
zeynepxo | Real housewives |
mnromain | 90 day fiancé! |
yasyasiii | Take myself on a hike/walk and spend time with friends |
beccashaneck | Always prioritizing adequate sleep, 7-8 hrs a night |
imrankhan.gif | Taking time to make and eat a home cooked meal |
srav._ | going on a walk |
mariawin | When I want to treat myself I get a coffee at a nice coffee shop, go to the gym and hit the sauna, then take a nice long, full shower day and slather on all my favorite skincare products. Spending time with my boyfriend and friends always is guaranteed to make me happier as well. |
f.3636 | Playing soccer ⚽️ |
ashkhan | I work out ️♀️ |
sophiadyang | Getting bomb food or snacks I love! |
bailey.lenamond | Watching a Disney movie |
sydney.boudreaux | Watching grey’s anatomy! |
brynnstacken1 | I take a long walk outside and enjoy nature! |
jenna_steinberger | Going to the gym & getting outside for a walk by the lake! |
courtneykleindl | I enjoy taking a relaxing hot bubble bath to treat myself! |
laibaahmedd | trying out new recipes ️!! |
nguyen_199 | Bubble bath! |
jennreadd | Getting a milkshake |
franny.mineo | Margarita Mondays with my friends after exams ! |
claire.midd | Reading a good book 🙂 |
zacho_19 | Going to a movie with my partner! Nice little escape from reality |
nikithap8 | Enjoying a chocolate chip cookie with my roomie ❤️ |
nutmeg_135 | Spending time with friends playing pick up soccer ⚽️ |
cmcshannic | Taking my pups for a walk |
artiich0ke | do a face mask, watch love island, and eat chocolate whilst ignoring the impending sense of doom from my anki cards piling up |
shelbinmattathil | Getting food and watching Grey’s Anatomy! |
michael.ryan.7 | Trying new foods and scheduling fun things to look forward to like TB Lightning games |
racheyrapp | Yoga |
patryk_tomz | Going to the gym and working out! |
sabrina.fagan | Try a new baking recipe each week |
armeetsingh_ | To relax I love weight lifting and cooking fresh meals! Also spending time with loved ones |
kaytayray | Enjoying days with my fiancé guilt free, turning off my phone, and allowing myself to stay in bed all day |
_atepj | Play with my son!! |
marlon__13 | Pickup basketball |
cattmermaid | I paint and restore art |
vctrujillo27 | Spending an evening Belting out a good ‘ol Broadway show tunes |
sando_fanous | I like to go on walks on the trail at my school! |
alylylylyssa | Running with my dog on the riverwalk! |
yajtooj23 | Minecraft!!! |
lindseyjoy25 | Love taking some time to cook a fun meal! |
morganminner_ | Listening to a podcast while baking |
alisonmautner | Friday nights off |
sarahmirkhaef | going to the gym |
alissa_patel | watching the bachelor |
_tristanmoseley | Ordering a party pack of sushi and watching Survivor! |
ramyae27 | I like working out and painting |
abbysambience | Lifting weights, dancing, hiking, reading fantasy books and movies! Among other things |
hanna_ehrenberg | Walks outside! |
joeyneub | Coffee and gym |
mahiarahman | Cooking/dinner date with my husband! |
sophiaxcviii | Dance, get outside in nature, spend time with loved ones! |
applesnum | A full night of sleep |
amulyadiyyapaul | Dancing!!! shopping spree , or a movie night! |
marathon2medschool | Walks on the beach with my dog |
bellaaacook | Going for a midday workout !! |
maykennan11 | True crime podcast breaks between practice question sets!! |
r2d2ritu | Scheduling time with friends, going to Trader Joe’s and working out! |
kenziekateallen | making time to be active and get outside everyday or taking an hour to watch an episode of my favorite show!! |
carlene.h22 | A nice massage or a walk in the sunshine at the beach or park |
kayla_brittany21 | I love going on a walk in nature while listening to a great audiobook!! |
alexgatewood | Watching my favorite bravo shows |
annelleamsy | Ice cream |
hjcurrie | Eating a bowl of taco soup and watching The Big Bang Theory! |
evelynfaithpowell | Take a coffee break at a cafe once a week to change the study atmosphere. |
sheila_vakili | movie nights with friends! |
kevinspired | I sleep in since I spend most of my awake time in school |
msahyouni3 | Walking my dog |
abby.hall0 | Through exercising! |
naqiya.ujjainwala | hanging out with my friends and going out to eat! |
lexly03 | Going to the gym with my significant other! ❤ |
hiddenblooms | Taking breaks to go for a walk or reading/watching something to unwind |
stierwalt.tori | Friday nights off! Dinner with friends. Every few weekends, dedicated to my significant other. Figure out what’s going on in the world beyond major headlines. Take care of mind body and soul! |
michaelchenfanclub | Cooking, taking pictures with friends, singing john mayer songs |
_isabeln | Cooking, playing volleyball, driving to Irvine and San Diego to visit friends and family! |
__lyysa__ | Tv and journaling |
reagadair | Meditation, movement & making memories with friends and family |
bijitadevkota | I love going to the gym, doing a face mask, and relaxing by watching TV!! |
cherryyanne | I grab a latte from my favorite shop! |
brian.dickson19 | Spending time with my wife, dog, and cats. |
brandonw1215 | Schedule breaks to go to the gym and play video games |
alyssa.armsbury | Hiking in the mountains with my husband! ️ |
rohanjaygupta | I like to workout, find new coffee shops, and cook with friends! |
lindsayadamss | Going outdoors (hikes/walks), yoga, cooking/baking, game nights with friends |
absoluteclownshoes | I make sure to give myself frequent short breaks to check my social media so I can stay focused during my dedicated study time blocks. |
diana.ferrigno | Yoga with @lessie_farriss |
om._.arh | Playing soccer with friends! |
_ashleekaylene_ | I treat myself by spending time outside with my pups & family & working out! ️ |
joynish | traveling ✈️ |
yendaddy | Naps and a tasty beverage |
pixel.lana | Rock climbing or flying trapeze at the end of the day helps me unwind! |
daniellegracen | Taking study breaks to exercise! I also cook dinner with my significant other every night and we watch an episode of ER together |
esha_parikh | playing tag with my cat (poh poh) and bird watching with him!!! |
v.h | big weights♀️♀️ |
danrooyen | Cycling , Reading (non-medicine books), Video games with my Wife, Out to eat (Texas Roadhouse cause it’s cheap) and anime. |
shrutivarshney10 | Spending time with friends/family! |
leahs624 | Spending time in the pottery studio! I love balancing science and art |
kirchohan | watching a movie and eating cheesecake |
brittany.taylor241 | Cuddling with my cats! |
chriscool112 | Crumbl cookie!!! |
thedaysofkay | a trip to nothing bundts for a chocolate chocolate chip bundlet |
katwinlemoo | By setting aside time to exercise every day |
kate_elizabeth127 | go on walks around my school campus with my friends in the evenings! |
lindahoainguyen | I’ll allow myself blocks of “me time” by working out, watching a show, or catching up with friends and family outside of medical school. |
lydia.sohn | love picking up a new hobby to learn a new skill that isn’t related to school! It’s also been such a fun way to meet more classmates and destress after a long day of studying. The current hyperfixation is pickleball! |
lovextyanna | After a long day of studying…phone on do not disturb and TV set to my favorite shows |
patricklee161 | Spending time with my girlfriend, watching jeopardy, and cooking! |
marissamckenna | watching love island with my roommate! |
carlywoodard19 | Going to the gym! |
therealjakeholloway | Going to coldstone with my significant other! |
carlywoodard19 | Going to the gym or a long walk with my dog❕ |
jeffreyhabel_ | I’ll watch an episode of a show I like after studying for certain number of hours. |
kiley_gagain | Spending time w my puppy & going on long walks! |
jiaaaaaayiiiiii | I go to the gym, play video games, or read non medical related books! |
jsiegy24 | Nails and coffee ☕️ |
_alisan | Reading a book or trying a new recipe! |
shi_sleeps | Going to the gym, painting and reading! |
eve4__ | After a super stressful week, I love sitting down with a glass of wine and binging my current favorite K Drama! |
brittanybedard | Taking our dogs to their favorite park with my boyfriend! |
hannahnoel_87 | Reading a book |
nimanthi_kumara | Cooking and trying new recipes |
workingpremed | Visit the library often and make sure I read before bed every night✨ |
guovocado | I like to try out a new recipe! |
prarthna_shah | Long walks & gym! |
andrewneel_ | Breakfast Pizza from QuikTrip |
_lovemialways | Dance classes at my local studio! I usually attend hip hop or heels classes |
siddy53 | Play basketball! |
marissakrager | I make myself shut off the questions/study videos for dinner with my family and bedtime for my infant daughter, then I can get back to it but those times are sacred. |
aurvaksh | Golf Simulator, and hit the driving range!!! |
carol.r.grace | Paint by numbers, going on a hike, and yoga |
_bevsay | A good Pilates workout and spa day |
brianna_fernandez | Cozy up on the couch with a good book |
emmaazing_ | I treat myself to listening to my favorite songs and dancing around my apartment |
bigmacplss | Calling family members back home and getting updated on the drama I’ve missed!! |
sky.much | A nice hike |
dinamoaly | Getting some sunlight ☀️☀️☀️ |
alex_vaezazizi | gym workouts and video games |
maryyoussief | I will go for a coffee and sweat treat with my friends after most exams |
cynthiaeatsgood | spa day |
nick_vasil_ | Working out a few times per week! |
bhumika_95 | street tacos forever |
sheischarmin | I journal, read wellness books, stand at my desk and go on walks. I like to eat dinner with friends |
yeahclauds | Evening walks with my husband and pup |
alvin.stanley | Catch up with some friends and ball up |
raquel_angelique | Taking a walk outside and listening to fun music! |
cami_isabelle_ | EXERCISE, getting outside in nature (hiking, skiing, nature walks, going out to dinner with my partner, and lots of naps |
alexiss_margaret | Reading a good romance book! |
emilyhootsell_ | Going for a walk in my neighborhood with an iced coffee! |
gianina_elise | I draw and/or go on a fun date with my partner |
gkeck_31 | Going on a walk with my golden retriever and fiancé |
heather_paul22 | Go out to eat at my favorite restaurant with a friend! ❤ |
paymurphy | Long workouts bc #selfcare & petting all the dogs (mine included) |
davidchasebroderick | Watching Disney movies with my daughter |
irenonsense | Face mask, an actual meal, and random 2000s movies |
raynap614 | getting a sweet treat |
braden.cunningham123 | Snuggles with my little girls while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender! |
kami_beis | Exercise gym during the week and then team sports on the weekend ⚽️ |
savannahconine | Reading or reality TV |
taylor__rinn | Reading a good book while drinking tea! |
becomingdr.borrero | Playing pickleball with friends |
jamiemckermit | I make myself a rather typical med student meal (Mac and cheese) and watch Korean drama |
snehavarghese15 | Haagen-Daaz’s coffee with almond toffee crunch icecream ✨ |
jess.chastain | Going to the gym especially after exams 🙂 |
cameron_kelly_ | Phone on DND & Netflix |
rewlise | Drawing, painting, anything not school related!! |
jennelle_nor | Taking one night off a week to do whatever |
veeveltre | Hanging out with my fiance and kitty! I treated myself to a concert last weekend, and it was amazing! |
andrewbro97 | Carne Asada Fries |
joaquinfranco67 | Guilt free date with my wife. Allowing myself to not think of anything else but that moment in front of me. |
modo0419 | Once a week, I forget I’m a med student and go snowboarding (I know I won’t forget what I learned, a single day off won’t kill me) |
jelissa_h | Karaoke with anyone I can drag with me |
aa_moinuddin | homemade’ latte with the works |
bricarah | Going on family adventures with my son and husband! |
hannahberhow | Rewatching Harry Potter movies ♀️ |
emmayanacek | Going on walks with friends |
mgraeca | I treat myself by planning little rewards like fun snacks or facetiming with friends between practice question blocks to motivate myself to get through! |
thelifeofmelb | sleeping 8 hours every night |
bradleychris17 | Spending time with my wife |
spencervroegop | Taking time to exercise! Snowboarding in particular this winter |
matt_bartolozzi | Cooking myself a real dinner! |
millermnm24 | Playing DnD with my friends! |
lifeasadrienne | Crying with friends while studying and then taking breaks to exercise, eat food, and remembering to enjoy life! |
matttolis | golf with @michael.ryan.7 |
mspizzles | I like to think about my life choices and cry. How about you @nazyeh |
madukagunasinghe | Stretching first thing in the morning! |
kayleigh_pignato | taking breaks to do things that make me happy! reading, trying new coffees, playing with my dogs! |
leahdunn | Exercise |
swarnimadas | Dancing with friends!! |
valleriiyya | Going on a long hike with my dog and husband! |
chloe__ruby | Reading fantasy books and making sure to get some sunshine |
lexagingersnap | Going for a hike somewhere new! |
alexsuszczynski | Dinner date with fiancé |
levistacken | Cooking supper fun & new supper recipes with my wife! |
tay_nay15 | I like to go to the gym or go on daily hot girl walks in the morning! |
garrett_pierce5 | Taking time to either play with my dog or taker her on a walk! |
kathleen.shay | watching the bachelor with friends on Monday nights! 🙂 |
reni.gandhi37 | Buying a big chocolate cake and eating it without any judgement |
@Summers_sweetst | I treat myself by honoring my body with a massage when my body feels tense or treating myself to a nice meal to satisfy my taste buds |
@Meghanmed1 | I found morning meditation to be a great way to get in the right headspace and prepare myself for a long day of studying! |
@KasandraSanidad | It can be hard to take care of yourself during such a stressful time. I like to reconnect with my mind and body by doing 15-30min of yoga. ♀️ |
@starLeaf8 | I treat myself by listening to music or a podcast and going out for a walk in a park. |
@SanjoliMed | I buy myself pretty yarn for crochet projects |
@rock_flag_emily | I treat myself by eating ice cream! |
@Nessssaaaaa | I treat myself by hanging out with my friends and family … oh and cuddling with my cat watching TV and eating ice cream haha |
@Sandra__Fanous | Playing fetch with my cat! |
@StudentDocSH | a long walk outside with my pup |
@OGVanessaC | Hot girl walks to get coffee |
@YamekeF | Head to target and buy whatever my heart desires |
@zach_d67 | I typically go fishing or do something outdoors. |
@AlexGolden117 | I head over to @BlackSwanYoga for a hot yoga session a few times a week |
@Lacriymosa | Matcha ice cream!!! |
@sam_hudson5 | Tennis, TikTok, and Tennessee Sports |
@futureDrChilds | Iced Coffee! |
@banh_marian | After a good study session, I treat myself to a large acai bowl and take my dog to the park! While my dog gets an hour of fun/exercise, my belly gets filled with deliciousness! It’s the perfect win-win situation! |
@andrewneel_ | my wife and I spend time together laughing watching Scrubs |
@UdisaC | Workout! |
@UdisaC | Being under the orange lights @orangetheory Downtown Wichita! #LYSCOMSAE |
@Julia_Moonbeam | Family time and good food 🙂 |
@Ahmad_E_ | Ice cream |
@alysonmarie_13 | Play pickleball with my friends! |
ansleywm | I treat myself by attending yoga classes and reading @kristinhannahauthor books |
__miracle______ | Going to the farmers market every Saturday for a little brain break! |
thedaysofkay | reading my kindle for at least 30 mins before bed! |
bigmacplss | Starting a K-drama and turning my phone on do not disturb! |
aa_moinuddin | take the nap. you earned it |
andrewbro97 | Burritos |
ewitsmili | spending time with my cat! |
muaaz.tariq.9 | Coffee and gym |
katiebraffitt | Trips to starbucks |
hannahnoel_87 | Shopping trips to TJ maxx |
danrooyen | Taking a minute to breathe, otherwise it’s easy to keep moving without a thought to self-love. |
yajtooj23 | Spending time with my wife |
joynish | shopping |
sidsterashbro | I treat myself with yoga classes or meditation sessions. It gives me a moment to unwind and relax. These mindfulness techniques are just some of the skills I learned from @thedakotainitiative |
taramck3nna | shopping for furniture for my first apartment with my bf! |
ashleybradley_ | A quite evening in with a face mask, dark chocolate, and a romcom! |
mannylinarte | Go for a walk/run and listen to my fav podcast |
bgunt20 | I go on a run! |
raquel_angelique | I love going out to coffee shops to spend time with a friend or even solo and listening to an audiobook! |
bricarah | Relaxing at the end of the day by reading a few chapters from my latest book |
shrutivarshney10 | Experimenting with a new recipe/dish for dinner |
brittany.taylor241 | Taking a break to do my favorite hobbies, crocheting and embroidery |
eve4__ | Wearing masks during anatomy lab, late night greasy snacks, and stress can take a toll on your skin! I love turning on slow jams and giving myself a facial/doing nightly skin care. It gives me a chance to unwind to put love into my skin |
emily.madisyn | Buying all the Girl Scout cookies! |
irenonsense | Decorating vases with my bestiesss |
hjcurrie | Taking a nap at the end of a long day! |
bradleychris17 | I make dinner with my wife! |
emmymarie42 | I take a ballet class once a week. Have to make time for hobbies |
laibaahmedd | going on walks |
baileytbrown | Going to the beach |
claire.midd | Taking a nap! |
jul_feliciano | Trying a new coffee shop ☕ |
brianna_fernandez | Taking a walk with my dog |
hanna_ehrenberg | Making plans with friends! |
jazcam_04 | Music and vanilla bean ice cream |
bellaaacook | Hot Pilates or if I can a little trip |
brian.dickson19 | Ping pong or watching a movie |
amulyadiyyapaul | I love to take Pilates or make really yummy fresh meals to keep myself motivated!! |
millermnm24 | Drinking tea in the sunshine ☀️ |
whysosameen | Hanging out with family or going outside |
gkeck_31 | I like cooking with my family |
veeveltre | Took the night off last night and had a movie night because was feeling burnt out but then had a great study day today ❤ |
cameron_kelly_ | dinner date with friends |
ramyae27 | I enjoy going on walks |
emmayanacek | Taking a break outside on my balcony |
brittanybedard | Doing a little Netflix binge of whatever I’ve been waiting to watch! |
sando_fanous | Watching a Netflix show! |
madukagunasinghe | Daily scheduled naps lol |
selaeight | A date with my husband and my baby bow!❤️❤️❤️ |
emmaazing_ | I treat myself by bundling up no matter the weather and taking walks outside to get sun on my face and fresh air ✨ |
sophhhiia | getting a coffee ☕️ |
nick_vasil_ | Going out fishing! |
savannahconine | Netflix with my kitties |
zanedire | I tend to go to the book store with my sister and just look around for things I want to read at some point! I love increasing my collection |
levistacken | Taking some time to plan out the next vacation to go on with my wife! |
june00bug | Go for a walk and catch some pokemon |
alyssa.armsbury | Guilt-free phone time! |
dinamoaly | Going to a vegan cooking class |
zacho_19 | Taking a day off to get in the mountains! |
prarthna_shah | Online shopping! |
carol.r.grace | Taking my dog for a walk |
v.h | lifting weights ♀️ |
alexiss_margaret | Watching sports and cheering on my favorite teams |
sarahmirkhaef | getting a coffee at a coffee shop |
kdfugle_1 | Taking time for myself at the end of a study day to cuddle my cats, pop on a comfort show, and snack on popcorn. |
goldenjared17 | I like watching the Celtics |
matt_bartolozzi | Going for a walk in Central Park! |
raynap614 | watching the bachelor!!! |
canadianbaconlaiken | Taking my dog for a walk! |
hiddenblooms | Baking! |
abby.hall0 | Taking time to play with my dog! |
sydney.boudreaux | Going get Starbucks |
brynnstacken1 | Making some cinnamon rolls and watching a movie! |
chloe__ruby | Starting the day with a latte and a muffin from my local coffee shop! |
armeetsingh_ | Reading and drinking tea ☕️ |
jennreadd | Pilates + iced latte |
mahiarahman | Going for a walk! |
swarnimadas | Lighting a candle, drinking chai and reading a book for fun! |
lydia.sohn | Treat myself to sushi on test weekends to keep the good vibes rolling! |
brandonw1215 | Boba and sushi! |
emilyhootsell_ | Going for walks or a good nap! |
cami_isabelle_ | Reading a good book for hours on end |
yashaswiparikh | buy myself a fresh bouquet of flowers <3 |
kirchohan | Watching a movie with my friends! |
maykennan11 | Baking myself banana bread!! |
cherryyanne | Doing yoga! |
courtneykleindl | I treat myself by doing a HIIT workout. I love the way I feel afterwards! |
snehavarghese15 | Love to catch up on anime shows |
thelifeofmelb | Go outside and get some sunshine |
esha_parikh | Finding a new pasta recipe and cheffing it up with some wine!!! |
kami_beis | Going to dinner at the end of the week for some yummy food |
mspizzles | I treated myself by having study sessions with the famous @niko.spyro ❤️ |
shannon.weatherly | Hot yoga ♀️ and lemon water! |
lindseyjoy25 | I love treating myself to my favorite coffee shop once a week! Major lavender latte fan |
shelbinmattathil | Hanging with friends! |
liz.mouw | Baking a new dessert and then sitting down with a good book! |
bijitadevkota | I like to go to a coffee shop and buy coffee and a pastry |
nikithap8 | Going on a walk with my friends❤️ |
diana.ferrigno | Cooking a new recipe |
kiley_gagain | Cooking & trying new recipes! |
_atepj | Lounging in my backyard with a shaken espresso and good book!! Hmmm heaven!! ☺️ |
beccashaneck | Hiking and exploring outdoors. |
nimanthi_kumara | Takeout and Netflix |
ashleyykeane | Baking chocolate chip cookies |
reni.gandhi37 | Sometimes on some days, I just sleep. Give my body what it is clearly asking form |
mckensiebevens | Watching the Chiefs win the Super Bowl! |
kallieclements | Taking my dog for a walk at the dog park, even if the weather is poor |
sophiadyang | Read a good book! |
tallon_muhlestein | By spending time with my classmates playing pingpong |
jess.chastain | Taking my doggie on a walk |
bhumika_95 | yoga and meditation! |
alissa_patel | online shopping … my weakness |
nutmeg_135 | I make plans with my loved ones so I have something to look forward to during the stressful times! |
sdickinson16 | Playing pickleball with my friends! |
clearlynemi | Yogie over here |
naqiya.ujjainwala | grabbing a sweet treat from a coffee shop while studying! |
tay_nay15 | I like to go to the gym or go on daily hot girl walks in the morning! |
baytalghurabaa | Spending time with family |
@Nessssaaaaa | Took the night off last night and had a movie night because was feeling burnt out but then had a great study day today ❤ |
@Meghanmed1 | Being intentional with my social time and scheduling time to hang out with friends!! |
@rock_flag_emily | I treat myself with coffee and chocolate! |
@StudentDocSH | Painting |
@UdisaC | I destress by cooking for friends and family |
@Ahmad_E_ | going to the gym |
@graceobartlett4 | I treat myself to walks with my pup I adopted in September |
vrushabhdaga | I treated myself by hosting a wine and movie night with some of my close medical school friends and enjoying a break together |
christianfang_ | Spending time with my dog |
zarakgandapur | Jogging my memory with the viscerosomatic chart |
baytalghurabaa | Spending time with my fam |
britt_nguyen_ | going out to eat at a new restaurant |
bricarah | An evening workout to help clear my head after a long day |
daniellegracen | Taking the dog for a walk to get some fresh air and vitamin D! |
alexelgoodguy | eating my beautiful wife’s @itsmelba ‘s banana bread, and having a movie night. OMS-Couples that study together stay together. |
michelleeeriedel | A matcha latte and good books! |
kevinspired | Video games |
smattaphoto | i treat myself with yoga and spending time outside! |
brittanybedard | Getting to eat dinner with my boyfriend! |
vasileak | Going on a longer walk with my dog |
nutmeg_135 | I go to bed early on days when I’m just too tired to effectively study any more |
aa_moinuddin | Redeeming 7-eleven points |
misshospitalitystonecounty | I treat myself with a warm vegan birthday cake cookie and a comedy movie! |
raquel_angelique | I like to sit around a fire pit with my family and talk! |
thedaysofkay | i love a good long walk with my doodle pup! |
mckensiebevens | Playing pickleball and going to trivia nights with my peers |
rachel.e.woodbury | Valentines dinner tonight with my hubby! |
shrutivarshney10 | Sitting in the sunshine ☀️ |
taylordmurdock | My wife and I cook delicious Korean food! |
cameron_kelly_ | retail therapy |
june00bug | Take photos of medical snakes in the wild @medicalsnake |
jess.chastain | Catching up on some well deserved anime |
maryyoussief | Doing some yoga! my cats will even join in from time to time |
emily.madisyn | Coffee! And chocolate! |
gkeck_31 | I treat myself by having a movie night with my fiancé and dog |
emmymarie42 | Making time for hobbies |
philip_wes | Sitting poolside with a nice book. Perks of school in Florida!! |
joynish | ✨ going to dinners ✨ |
troyshipman | Daily trips to the gym to get rid of any negative energy and have a change in scenery |
daliaziz10 | Reading manga and watching anime |
bijitadevkota | I like to try a new book |
swarnimadas | Facetiming my family:) |
kierstencartwright12 | I love going for walks and runs outside! It’s the perfect way to refresh and reset before diving back into studying. |
hiddenblooms | Reading and listening to music |
danillia2 | Take my dog on a walk and play with him 🙂 |
aaron_deweerd | A cup of tea and lighting a candle! |
brynnstacken1 | Go out to eat with a group of friends! |
armeetsingh_ | Taking a long nap! |
claire.midd | Playing with my kitties ⬛ |
r2d2ritu | Going on walks by the river and watching a fun TV show! |
jul_feliciano | Watching a new movie on a Friday night! |
alexiss_margaret | Watching a show with friends |
zanedire | I made cinnamon rolls for myself today! Happy Valentine’s Day! |
carol.r.grace | See a movie in theaters |
sidsterashbro | Reading American literature! It has been a goal of mine to read a book a month. |
hannnahwelp | I treat myself with ice cream and spending time with friends |
emmaazing_ | I treat myself by keeping a smile on my face, and finding joy and laughter in how my day is going even if it’s a mess |
elizabethturner91 | Playing Fortnite with friends online |
skylerstovall | Go on a hike to get some fresh air/overlook a nice view |
ansleywm | I treat myself by reading @kristinhannahauthor books! |
yung_oski | Hitting the gym with friends! |
cherryyanne | Playing video games with family and friends! |
cami_isabelle_ | Baking- I made an olive oil cake for Valentine’s Day |
lexly03 | Skin care break! Putting on my favorite facemask and turning on my oil diffuser, and meditate ❤ |
emilyhootsell_ | Watching tv and baking! |
maddy25e | Playing Fortnite and I played college tennis so I try to play tennis/exercise when I can |
babysquishy | Taking a restful nap after a long day of cranking the noodle (aka brain) at full speed |
alyssa.armsbury | Sitting down with a good book |
sando_fanous | Listening to music |
kenziekateallen | By taking a break to walk outside !! |
yasyasiii | Hosting game nights with friends |
bradleychris17 | Gardening and cooking!! |
bellaaacook | A long run on the beach !!! It’s the best |
kami_beis | Watching a tv show- currently on rotation: Suits ⚖️ |
sophiadyang | Watch a comfort show that makes me happy |
prarthna_shah | Cooking new recipes! |
jordan_lowrimore | I scheduled “me time” that gives myself a chance to prioritize things I enjoy like working out, baking, spending time with family and friends! |
alexgatewood | Puzzles |
laibaahmedd | shoppingggg ️ |
clearlynemi | Enjoying a non medical book |
abby.hall0 | Trying new recipes! |
lindseyjoy25 | Taking time do grab dinner or do something fun with friends is a great escape from stress of studying! |
matt_bartolozzi | Going out with friends! |
lydia.sohn | Did a mocktail night with the girls not too long ago and it was the perfect study break! |
emmayanacek | Getting fancy drink from a coffee shop |
raynap614 | Watching tv!! |
levistacken | Watch a tv series on Netflix with my wife! |
franny.mineo | Walking around the park by my apartment and binge watching suits ! |
hjcurrie | Researching residency programs lol while listening to chill music |
jueejoshi99 | Going for a long drive and treating myself |
mdiscenz | Watching Real Housewives on Bravo!! |
madukagunasinghe | Cleaning my house during study breaks |
vaish_07 | Starting my day off with a workout class! |
im_staceyy | Watching tv and going shopping! |
caitlynnsmithmcgregor | Reading for fun |
mspizzles | I treat myself by reading great books and crying about them with @emilyaevans. |
__miracle______ | Reading a good book while drinking a cup of tea |
bhumika_95 | I watch a good bollywood movie!! |
kate_elizabeth127 | Going out to dinner with my friends once a week! |
paymurphy | Watching old episodes of greys anatomy |
itsmelba | I treat myself to music in the mornings. It gets me going with a soft boost of energy, helps to center me, and kickstarts an intentional good flow for the day. |
brandonw1215 | Taking time to cook a really nice meal |
nimanthi_kumara | Hanging out and decompressing with friends |
kallieclements | Watching a movie I’ve already seen with my favorite comfort food and a warm blanket! |
sdickinson16 | Going on a hike with friends! |
shannon.weatherly | Work out classes with friends |
reni.gandhi37 | I treat myself to a bucket of chocolate ice creamer when I am really stressed and sad |
kiley_gagain | Going to the gym & having girl’s night! |
chloe__ruby | Movie nights with my friends! |
dayoolatunji_ | A quick weekend trip with my friends for a change of scenery |
c_chapman0515 | Coffee walks with friends!! Especially on warm, sunny days! |
jourdanstaffier | buying a new plant |
ramyae27 | Reading a good book |
jennreadd | Reading Sarah J Maas books |
liz.mouw | Enjoying ice cream and a show! |
cassie_holub | Take my dog outside for a long hike |
babyyysal | Walking my dog |
turnerdonlin | Cook myself one of my favorite meals |
mahiarahman | Reading a good book for fun! |
sophhhiia | Getting a good workout in ♀️ |
naqiya.ujjainwala | Getting to the gym and lifting️♀️ |
thelifeofmelb | A little daily movement or exercise ♀️️♀️ |
deargreer | Bought a new plant ♥️ |
esha_parikh | Try to do some DIY furniture craft!!! |
tallon_muhlestein | I treat myself by playing ping pong on campus with classmates |
ashleyykeane | reading a good psychological thriller |
kdfugle_1 | Going for a hike in the Chugach Mountains with my boyfriend on my study break day. |
zeynepxo | Walk in the park |
yeahclauds | Morning gym sessions! |
alexsuszczynski | An evening walk with my dog to finish the day |
eminmedicine | I’ll try creating a new recipe or replicating a dish I come across on social media |
abbysambience | Listening to some live music on the weekend |
rewlise | I love baking! |
sydney.boudreaux | Going on a run with a couple of friends! |
zacho_19 | Spending a little extra for really good coffee to keep the engine running |
sukritiprashar | an early morning workout to set the tone for the rest of the day! wakes me up, gives me a great endorphin high, and puts me in a productive mindset |
@SophiaBonenfant | I treat myself by taking a study break/cat nap with my best friend |
@christina_baum3 | I treat myself by spending time outdoors, regardless of the weather! |
@BethanyMPauly | I treat myself by calling my family or friends |
@rock_flag_emily | I treat myself with sweet treats |
@dayolat_ | Me and the girls go for brunch, with mimosas ofc |
@Yameke | Buy a bunch of snacks and have a show/movie night with friends |
@Meghanmed1 | Retail therapy |
@bkoruthu | shopping |
@melba_avalos | I treat myself to music in the mornings. It gets me going with a soft boost of energy, helps to center me, and kickstarts an intentional good flow for the day. |
@SophiaBonenfant | I treat myself by going out for ice cream (yes, even in the Northeast winter!) |
@rock_flag_emily | I treat myself by spending time with family! |
@DOctorcayenne | Great food, better wine, and binge watch Netflix |
@BethanyMPauly | watching my favorite show in between study sessions |
@YamekeF | Hit the gym and then treat myself with ice cream afterwards! |
@Meghanmed1 | Spending time in Nature! This could be a nice walk or even a hike with friends. |
@StudentDocSH | Watercolor painting ✨ |
@yaniitzaaa | I treat myself by trying out new hobbies, like pottery and painting ceramics! ¨̮ #LYSCOMSAE |
mspizzles | I treat myself by sending memes to @nazyeh |
nazyeh | @mspizzles I treat myself by having a little bed rot every night |
maykennan11 | Take myself for a walk or run out in the sun to get those serotonin and dopamine levels going! |
jourdanstaffier | retail therapy |
ashleyykeane | listen to music on my record player |
matt_bartolozzi | Catching up on my favorite tv shows or movies! |
nimanthi_kumara | Reading for fun |
esha_parikh | Sometimes I just sleep the whole day, nothing better than a solid 12 hour nap post exam |
babysquishy | A good Netflix binge night |
alyssa.armsbury | Spending time with my husband! |
jennreadd | pasta and wine + romcom |
aaron_deweerd | Going for a walk with friends! |
prarthna_shah | pickleball! |
sando_fanous | Getting tacos with friends! |
taka.len | Scrapbooking and painting in my journal! |
thedaysofkay | i love painting my own nails, a little at home manicure! |
brynnstacken1 | Playing a game of tennis with my husband! |
mahiarahman | Spending time with family and with good food! |
_isabeln | Work out, listen to music, call my friendS |
lexly03 | Put on my favorite show (criminal minds) ❤ |
irenonsense | Chillin with my cat |
zanedire | I rely on my friends to get me through. I treat myself by prioritizing time with them and their wisdom |
philip_wes | Bar trivia with the friends |
franny.mineo | Cleaning my apartment while listening to music ! |
shrutivarshney10 | Self-care with face masks, nail paint, and a good movie |
jul_feliciano | Check out my Spotify discover weekly! |
kate_elizabeth127 | I like to crochet little presents to give to my friends and family! |
raynap614 | tacos>>>> |
kierstencartwright12 | I listen to podcasts while I do chores around the house! It’s a good break for my brain but I still feel productive 🙂 |
audreybourdages | Roller Derby |
kiley_gagain | Watching my favorite TV shows |
june00bug | Make a chainmaille shirt to get my creative juices/diffuse thinking going. Also so I have some sort of armor in case I someday end up a doctor/barber at a Renaissance faire. You know, to be safe. |
paymurphy | Going on walks & seeing the sunshine |
skylerstovall | By going on a night drive around mountains/farmland |
emily.madisyn | Cherry vanilla diet Dr Pepper |
thelifeofmelb | Light a candle and play some nice music ️ |
lindseyjoy25 | Getting outdoors in anyway especially now that it’s warming up a little bit! Sunshine is a great way to boost the mood ☀️ |
alexiss_margaret | Going for a walk |
baileytbrown | Get a little coffee! |
elizabethturner91 | Singing the tune of songs but replacing the words with lyrics about my dogs they love when I sing to them |
cami_isabelle_ | Retail therapy sometimes works wonders for me ️ |
tay_nay15 | I also love treating myself to the biggest juiciest burger plus a side of fries and a PB milkshake. But only as a treat I promise |
abby.hall0 | Buying myself a sweet treat from the grocery store after a long week! |
sophiadyang | Talk to amazing and fun family and friends I love so so much |
ramyae27 | FaceTiming friends |
sophhhiia | watching a movie with the family |
kdfugle_1 | Going for a swim at the local pools open lap swim! |
sidsterashbro | I treat myself by brewing tea. My favorite book growing up was “The Teashop Girls,” so over the years I collected tea pots, strainers, etc. It makes me happy to take time and brew a steaming cup of tea. |
kirchohan | Journaling with some coffee |
kenziekateallen | Spending time w family!! |
levistacken | Go out and have supper with my friends! |
hannnahwelp | I treat myself with going to the gym for a good mental break! |
brandonw1215 | Ice cream runs with my best friends |
claire.midd | FaceTiming my sister 🙂 |
chloe__ruby | Doing zoom game nights with long distance friends |
aa_moinuddin | Free OMM |
gkeck_31 | I treat myself by trying new coffee recipes for my med school-induced caffeine addiction |
madukagunasinghe | Working out everyday |
bradleychris17 | I treat myself to watching my favorite shows |
baytalghurabaa | drinking tea ☕️ |
rachel.e.woodbury | Pasta for lunch ! |
bgunt20 | Watch some reels! |
brittanybedard | Getting to sit on my patio and enjoy the sun! |
bricarah | Working on my most recent puzzle |
ankita101 | picking up my favorite meal and watching a show! |
swarnimadas | Taking a walk when its nice outside and listening to music, pretending im in a movie |
shelbinmattathil | taking a nap |
troyshipman | Taking breaks OUTSIDE |
cassie_holub | Shopping trips to TJ Maxx! |
v.h | cooking! |
navya.peddireddy | reading and watching new tv shows! |
eminmedicine | Breaking down all the empty package boxes that have accumulated in my living room and tossing them out |
alexgatewood | Afternoon naps |
fariasjltn | I treat myself by following a healthy sleep schedule |
fannyyluna | I treat myself by indulging into my comfort food |
hannahnoel_87 | Working out |
raquel_angelique | I treat myself by listening to fun fiction audiobooks! |
yasyasiii | Spa day ♀️ |
ashkhan | Working out! |
courtneykleindl | I treat myself by buying things on Amazon! |
andrewbro97 | Ice cream |
kami_beis | Spa day with face and hair masks ♀️ |
sydney.boudreaux | Crawfish |
smattaphoto | going out for a run! |
bongiovannipaula | I treat myself by going for nature walks!☀️ |
esteechikvashvili | I walk my dog |
vaish_07 | Listening to audiobooks! |
aurvaksh | Taco Bell runs |
yeahclauds | Night before an exam ice cream run! |
michelleeeriedel | Getting take-out with friends! |
nutmeg_135 | Curl up with a blanket and watch one of my comfort shows |
cherryyanne | I treat myself by spending a little time each day reading books I enjoy ! |
zacho_19 | Ordering in good healthy food when I don’t have time to go to the grocery store |
becomingdrchi | By going to my fav jazz lounge |
armeetsingh_ | Watching Instagram reels! |
emmymarie42 | Online shopping Dress well test well? |
joynish | shopping |
maykennan11 | Bubble bath and music! |
dinamoaly | A romcom for Valentine’s Day ❤❤❤ |
tay_nay15 | Another treat, a spaaaaa dayyyy♀️UGHHHH |
v.h | reading! |
shelbinmattathil | watching a movie |
bgunt20 | Playing football with my friends! |
@BethanyMPauly | getting food! |
@yaniitzaaa | I treat myself by getting outside and playing tennis |
@TheGreatJhaveri | Making plans with people after reaching a study goal! Preferably something active like playing tennis or making plans to go rock climbing |
@MylesBrew | I love to take a whole day to just relax by watching some sports while listening to music (typically smooth rnb or blues). And then I take a couple walks around the neighborhood for 20-30 minutes at a time. #wellness |
peterallegre_ | A nice jog |
shefali.waghray | Visiting my friend @mspizzles in Upstate NY |
alyssa.armsbury | Going out for dinner! |
roxyisabellll | Working out almost daily via @burnbootcamp |
hannahnoel_87 | Hanging out with friends |
thedaysofkay | a nice stroll through Target never lets me down, my fav weekend shopping treat. |
rivainni | I learn how to do something new! Craft stores or cake decorating/candy making shops, and thrift stores are great places to let creativity flow or pick up a new skill! |
baytalghurabaa | I like to drink tea to relax ☕️ |
courtneykleindl | Going to the nail salon! |
lexly03 | Going to my favorite store and do some shopping |
emmymarie42 | Taking a day off studying here and there just for me to do anything I want that day! |
bgunt20 | Listening to music! |
aaron_deweerd | Pickleball and trivia with friends. |
skylerstovall | Going to the pool on a nice sunny day |
mckensiebevens | Spending time with my birds |
rachel.e.woodbury | Art projects and chilling on the couch with my dogs |
gkeck_31 | I treat myself by cleaning up around the house so I can give my brain a break but still be productive |
bradleychris17 | I play video games with my friends or watch YouTube during study breaks |
zanedire | I prefer to engage in mindfulness techniques. Meditation, journaling, I even write poetry. Things that clear out the negative and harness positivity |
mikaylah.rose | I treat myself by taking study breaks to bake! Lately been working on different breads and canning soups! |
kevinspired | Going through Anki |
madukagunasinghe | Just took a mid-day nap. That’s how I treated myself for the day lol |
thelifeofmelb | Playing board games with friends!!!! |
tay_nay15 | Most of all… I like taking COMSAEs in order to relax |
gina_gherardini | Watching New Girl or reading |
jul_feliciano | Face timing my sisters! |
prarthna_shah | Face masks and baths! |
hjcurrie | Taking a drive and listening to music |
diana.ferrigno | Listening to some music |
emytthomas | Spending money i dont have on manipedis |
smattaphoto | visiting @deargreer in chicago <333 |
jordan_lowrimore | I treat myself with getting regular manipedis! |
sophiadyang | Drink something sweet and refreshing |
nimanthi_kumara | Pet therapy |
elizabethturner91 | Baking a new recipe with my brother over FaceTime |
june00bug | Taking a little bit of time off to build a blanket fort to study in. |
bongiovannipaula | I treat myself by having a weekly movie night! |
babysquishy | Playing with my baby niece and nephew so I don’t fully miss watching them grow up |
carlene.h22 | Talking with a friend who has been there before for encouragement |
shelbinmattathil | going on a walk! ♂️ |
irenonsense | Going on a chill run |
deargreer | Adopting yet another plant |
kgmayfield | Going for a walk/being outside in nature!☀️ |
mspizzles | Visiting @shefali.waghray in Delaware |
shrutivarshney10 | Going to the gym while listening to my favorite music |
armeetsingh_ | Going on walks with my dog! |
cassie_holub | Bingeing The Office after an exam! |
laibaahmedd | going to the beach ️ |
doss.aidanc | Time in the gym and spending time with family and friends. |
navya.peddireddy | working out & trying new coffee shops |
lindseyjoy25 | I love spending time with a good book to wind down at the end of the day |
emily.madisyn | Hanging out with @regan_pompeo ❤ |
paymurphy | Catching up with long distance besties ❤ |
joynish | cofffeeeeee |
troyshipman | Outside on the golf course ⛳️ |
brittanybedard | Doing my own nails! |
brandonw1215 | Hiking |
emmaazing_ | I treat myself by playing pickleball with my classmates! |
rewlise | Baking or cooking for my friends! |
swarnimadas | Having an exclusive concert while i take an hour long shower |
maykennan11 | Resting my eyes after a long day of studying!!! |
esha_parikh | Tending to my plants, I recently got an Orchid and she is doing great ~ very therapeutic |
alexgatewood | Walks with friends |
chloe__ruby | Painting or learning crochet |
flowflow18 | Karaoke with throwback songs or eating some good food and dessert |
kami_beis | Walks around the neighborhood and listening to a podcast! |
raynap614 | doing my nails! |
mahiarahman | By taking a long nap and sleeping for a few hours! Best feeling ever when you feel refreshed! |
alexiss_margaret | With @raisingcanes |
aurvaksh | Outdoor trail runs! |
levistacken | Going and working out! |
kenziekateallen | Visit my best friend and her baby!! |
__miracle______ | By getting my hair done to give myself a little self confidence boost! |
sando_fanous | I treat myself by learning a new song on my Ukulele |
alebroninsta | With soft tissue massage so much needed after prolonged sitting and studying |
brynnstacken1 | Stay in and cook a nice meal with my husband! |
kdfugle_1 | Gaming with friends or working with one of my many art projects, be it crochet, painting, embroidery, etc |
raquel_angelique | I love reading a good book while sitting outside! |
doctorgbaby | I treat myself by learning to make new recipes. I love cooking. |
claire.midd | Going to see a movie with friends! |
clairedrotman | I take the rest of the day off from studying, try to cook a new recipe, and catch up with friends! |
nutmeg_135 | Deep clean my apartment! |
jetsetjesi | Extended gym sessions ️♀️ |
jourdanstaffier | getting dinner with friends 🙂 |
misshospitalitystonecounty | I treat myself with a yummy sweet from my local dessert shop |
cami_isabelle_ | By relaxing with a nice warm bath after a long day at the hospital! |
ramyae27 | Watching reality tv |
hiddenblooms | Going out to dinner with friends ❤️ |
ashleyykeane | spending time with my friends and family @jagroopdoad @alexhcaudill 3dReply |
cherryyanne | I find a new recipe to bake! |
sidsterashbro | I treat myself by video chatting with long distance friends. It is a nice reminder of happenings outside of school. |
sophhhiia | Therapeutic baking session |
audreybourdages | Audio books |
cuvviee | I treat myself with a mini book haul and nice long walk. |
zeynepxo | Reading |
aqsa.kanwal24 | i love to unwind by going to gym and getting a good workout in followed by a long shower, delicious meal, and sitting in front of the tv! |
shannon.weatherly | Reading and having a nice cup of tea |
kirchohan | Calling a family member! |
kate_elizabeth127 | I treat myself by listening to music and going on walks multiple times a week |
kiley_gagain | Getting some sunlight! |
brianna_fernandez | Baking new recipes |
laibaahmedd | hanging out with my friendssss |
Thank you to everyone who participated!