Candidate Assistance Program
Expense Reimbursement and Rescheduling Fee Waivers

Sometimes, circumstances happen
They may impact your COMLEX-USA administration—whether they are weather-related, life-related, or anything in between. We understand this can stack on additional stress to your exam preparation, which is why the NBOME has a Candidate Assistance Program to help you if you ever hit a bump in the road.

If for some reason beyond your control you are unable to get to your COMLEX-USA examination or complete it, you may qualify to have all or part of your rescheduling or cancellation fees waived that would otherwise be incurred. Additionally, we may be able to assist you with other fees you have incurred. For example, you may qualify for assistance if your flight is cancelled on your way to take your COMLEX-USA examination, your examination is cancelled though force majeure, you had a family emergency, or (knock on wood) you are ill on the day of your scheduled administration.
- Let us know as soon as you can and complete the rescheduling fee waiver form or the expense reimbursement form within 30 days of missed examination.
- Include any supporting documentation (e.g. flight cancellation email).
Send this to Client Services
You’ll hear back from us acknowledging receipt within two business days and will initiate a review of your request.
Life is stressful, so are licensure examinations—they don’t have to occur together!