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NBOME employees help positively shape the future of osteopathic medicine and health care. We value a culture of collaboration, excellence, and growth and encourage professional development and learning for all employees. Our team is continually expanding, and we invite you to review our current employment openings and submit an application to join us! We offer an extensive benefits package with free onsite parking and beverages, as well as numerous employee activities and events throughout the year.

Current Positions  |  Chicago, IL

Operations Analyst
Medical Education Relationship Manager

Current Positions  |  Conshohocken, PA

Client Services Representative
Medical Education Relationship Manager
Systems Engineer

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Please submit resume and letter of interest summarizing your qualifications to Human Resources by email at HRadmin@nbome.org. The NBOME is an equal opportunity, e-verify employer. All applicants must be legally eligible to work in the United States.

Meet Some of Our Employees

Allen Butler, PhD -- Chief Information Officer

Allen has more than 15 years of CIO experience in the higher education environment, and also had IT roles in commercial printing, medical testing, and diagnostics.

“Every organization deals with IT security in one way or another,” he says. “We work to ensure the safety of the enterprise. What I enjoy most about working in IT is the broad perspectives you gain. We see all the systems that support the business--whether that’s HR, finance, collaborative and licensing assessment, or test development. We’re a part of all of that, so we get to see the whole enterprise, and it gives us a unique perspective of the operation of any kind of organization.”

Despite his love of the IT world, Allen didn’t intend to go down that path; instead, as an avid trombone and keyboard player, he earned his master’s degrees in music and originally thought he would become a music professor.

“I was actually teaching music at a small college in Virginia, and every day I would have lunch with the manager of computer services,” he says. “I worked with him to build a computer-assisted music learning lab, but I had to learn programming in order to fully utilize the computers. I found I really loved it, so I started down that path instead.”

During graduate school, Allen also wrote a piece for a string quartet, which was performed by the Juilliard Quartet, and also performed for many years with his son, a drummer and music producer. Allen still finds the time to play a little piano as a way to, as he puts it, “blow off steam.”

At the NBOME, Allen hopes to build bridges between the business and the IT team.

“There’s not a gap, per se, but there is always room for improvement,” he says. “A lot of my career has been spent building that relationship, to help others understand what the IT department is doing, and how it will affect their day-to-day lives.”

Ashley Bochenczak -- Test Development Associate

What do you do in your free time?

I love to read and binge watch YouTube and play videogames. I am also a fish keeper and collect plants! But the hobby that holds my true passion is building and painting Warhammer 40K models. The models range from two inches tall to two feet in height, and it’s something that allows me to express my creative side.

What is something people might not know about you?

I love all things nerdy, from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings to Dungeons and Dragons, and everything in between. But the one thing that catches people off guard is that I am an avid Godzilla fan!

Tell us how you found your way to the NBOME.

I found the NBOME by accident. I spoke with a recruiter who said, “You know what, I think I have a job that may suit your strengths, and that company is NBOME.” So, I decided to take the risk and see what would happen. And here I am!

What is your favorite or funniest moment at the NBOME?

My absolute favorite memory, so far, is my colleagues throwing a surprise bridal shower for me a few days before my wedding back in April. Candice Pernell, MA, associate director for test development, my supervisor, was planning this for a while and everyone kept it under wraps for a few months I think. I had a meeting scheduled with Candice that day, and when I met with her she said, “I actually need your help today in figuring out the layout for the desks in the conference room so let’s head that way.” As we walked through the big kitchen, all of my teammates where sitting there and shouted, “Surprise!” There was cake and bridal shower decorations. It meant a lot to me that so many people took the time out of their very busy day to celebrate a major moment in my life.

Mark Dawley, MBA -- Vice President for Licensure Assessment Services

“Every plant wants to live so if you’re listening, you have to work pretty hard to kill it.”

We spoke with Mark about his experiences and recommendations in gardening, especially during this trying time when discovering new passions is even more important. Mark follows a cottage garden style, which is more rambunctious, has more color, and is naturally wilder than other garden types. Read further to get inspired and see what Mark has to say.

How did you find your way to the NBOME?

Most of my corporate background has been in finance—I have an MBA in finance and I spent much of my career on Wall Street, both in New York and Chicago. I left Wall Street about 15 years ago, and then bought and built a small nonprofit company in education for underperforming school districts, which did a lot of tutoring to help kids, etc. Then I sold that business and wanted to move into healthcare with another nonprofit, so I found my way to NBOME and have been here for about 10 years now.

>How did you get into this as a hobby—what was the spark that made you so passionate about it?

I just like being outside a lot, and living in Chicago, you want to be outside as much as you can when the weather is good. My wife and I built a house and there was no landscaping on it at all, so we had a totally clean slate to start with. I’d had a couple gardens in the past and at other places I’ve lived so I decided I’d go for it this time and build something. The great thing about gardens is they are never complete, and you’re constantly changing it and redrafting it. It’s that concept of a never-finished product that really got me into it. Gardening also got me out during the summertime and gave me a creative outlook. There’s a lot of benefit to just puttering around in your garden—I spend like 10 hours a week in it most weeks in the year.

Why would you recommend gardening to your colleagues at the NBOME?

Gardening is very rewarding and relaxing—you can see the benefits of the time you put into it. It’s creative and it’s good exercise—with all the digging, weeding, pruning, and maintenance required to keep it up. In general, the centering and creativity that gardening provides are very helpful in your day-to-day—even in an intangible way. In my office, I have this array of pictures that I take of my garden. That inspiration is always there for me. Whenever things get a little tense, I can turn and see that beauty staring me in the face. We actually had someone over for dinner last night and they looked around at my garden—it was a beautiful evening—and they asked, “How many people come to take care of your garden every week?” And I replied, “It’s just me!”

Tell us about a time where gardening has helped you in your work at the NBOME.

During the pandemic, in particular, working from home was not easy, but the timing of it coincided with the emergence of the garden, seasonally. It was really nice to be able to be more attentive to it—at least visually. Because I was home, I could see more of what was happening, as opposed to leaving first thing in the morning and coming home late in the evening. I hadn’t been spending as much time actually seeing the results of the work I put in. That was really good for me to be able to absorb and have that centering available to me during the pandemic when I needed that kind of grounding.

Do you have any secret plant tips for us?

I’m a big believer in using native plants. There are some types of plants that want to grow naturally in the climate where you live, and if you try to plant species that didn’t grow up there to try and make them work in your space just because you saw it in a catalog or at the garden center—if it’s not meant to naturally be there, it’s not going to do as well and will require more work from you. I always think people should be aware of what kind of plants naturally want to be in your soil – it’s the native plants. In doing so, you’re giving yourself a much better chance of being successful.

What is your favorite or funniest moment at the NBOME?

Aside from my first day, and feeling like this was really going to be an interesting and rewarding place for me, my most memorable time was when Eric Przybylski, Mary Brown, and I had to produce hundreds of paper-and-pencil exams that had to go out for one of our clients the next day. We ended up going store-to-store in Chicago, bouncing all over trying to find places that were open and could handle the print job that we had. We finally got it done and it all worked out great. It was a long, crazy night, but we ended up having to laugh a lot because it didn’t end up going how we planned.

Wayne Detro -- Senior Test Publishing Specialist

How did you find your way to the NBOME?

A previous employee whom I have known for many years reached out to me because of an opening in test publishing. She thought I would fit in perfectly with my computer science degree. I had been working at movie theaters since my first job, including at a theater with her before college, and she knew it would better my career path to work here with a benefit plan.

What is your favorite or funniest NBOME memory?

My favorite memory at the NBOME was planning, building, and showcasing our Pokestop Pumpkin for the O’Hare Plaza yearly contest in 2016. Pokemon Go was popular at the time and it took a lot of teamwork to plan, paint, and collect items for our display. I even borrowed my parents Christmas tree stand to make the pumpkin rotate. I really enjoyed the common interest our team had on the project.

What do you do in your free time?

Outside of work, I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can: gardening, kayaking, boating, snowboarding, float trips, and occasionally going on hikes with our dogs: Sa$ha (Husky--pictured) and Nugget (Miniature Pincher mix). At home, we also have a cat (Macchiato), bunny (Sniffles), turtle (Rexy), and a rainbow shark (Kylo Ren). We like to take the dogs to Starved Rock National Park once a year and even took them to a cabin we rented for our anniversary in southern Illinois (Elizabethtown) while visiting Cave-In-Rock and Garden of the Gods. I also work a lot on cars even though I never studied it in school, and even do it sometimes as a side business. In the winter, I play online computer games (Ark Survival and Atlas), sew costumes, and take care of house projects like tiling the kitchen backsplash.

What is something people might not know about you?

In 2012, my wife and I bought a foreclosure and we replaced everything in it. The only things I hired someone to do were install carpet, hook up the new air conditioner, and replace our electric meter in the backyard. I wired the new breaker box and I taught myself how to install all the appliances, tile floors, laminate, kitchen cabinets, windows, and sliding glass doors with my contractor friend. I also did all my own drywall repairs and even learned how to do electric and plumbing. My wife did most of the painting while helping me when I needed an extra hand. We lived there for seven years and sold it for three times what we bought it for, plus what we paid to repair it. I watched a lot of YouTube videos to learn the right and wrong way to fix things.

Jenny Grisolano -- Associate Director for Test Development

How did you find your way to the NBOME?

It all started after I got my master’s degree at the University of Chester in 2012. I wanted help with job searching (because job searching is the worst thing), so I applied with a temp agency. After some contract work, they got me an interview with the NBOME. I’ll never forget sitting in the Library with Candice Pernell, Kathy Green, and Shirley Bodett for my interview.

What is your favorite or funniest NBOME memory?

I’ve been here for many years, so I’ve had some good times! Holiday festivities always stand out in my memory—ugly sweater contests, potlucks, picnics. Personally, I really loved getting to share the history of caroling in 2020; it’s probably my favorite “extra” project that I’ve done.

What do you do in your free time?

I love researching and then writing historical fiction. My best friend (pictured) and I write snippets almost every day that we share with each other just for fun. Someday, I’m hoping we can put some of it together into a coherent story. We explore lots of regions in the 12th century, though, so we keep getting distracted by learning about new cultures and people. We’ve researched and written short stories about everywhere from Wales to Al-Andalus to Kievan Rus. I’m also a huge board gamer. My siblings and I play every Wednesday night. Our favorites are a series from Fantasy Flight games that center on the H.P. Lovecraft mythos. I sing and play piano as well. I’m more confident in the singing than the piano playing though.

What is something people might not know about you?

My oddly specific knowledge about the years 1150-1216. One thing that I learned recently is that merchants sailing into London had to sing Christian religious hymns to prove that they weren’t pagan invaders (e.g., Vikings).

My love and connection with St. Francis of Assisi, who lived from 1181-1226. I really do have a pattern with this era! Actually, my connection to St. Francis started long before I realized when he lived. I went to a Franciscan grammar school and Franciscan high school, and I won the Franciscan Service Award my senior year. I think I’ve felt a responsibility to live up to that ever since. I visited Assisi in 2011, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. The county has dedicated itself to keeping the town the way it would have been during Francis’ time, and it really felt like I was able to experience Assisi the way he did.

My love of tapestries–I just bought my seventh at the Bristol Renaissance Faire this year. My oldest brother introduced me to them when I was 10 or 11, and I thought they were beautiful. Plus, they were popular in the medieval era, so of course I wanted to decorate with them. I bought my first one in England in 2001. I have tapestries from England, Scotland, Wales, and France.

Hannah Langhoff -- Editor II

Hannah Langhoff spent the 2020 holiday season like many of us did, with her family. But she never imagined that a trip back home would lead to another trip—to Hollywood. During the holidays, she and her parents watched Jeopardy! every night, with Hannah “blurting out answers.” Her parents encouraged her to take the online test that allows viewers the opportunity to be on an episode of the show.

“My dad has been saying for years that I should go on Jeopardy!,” Hannah says. “We always joked about it.”

She answered the questions online, and didn’t think much of it until June 2021, when she was contacted to do an audition via Zoom. She did well and a few weeks later, she was contacted for another audition—this time in a mock game with several other people.

Again, she didn’t think much about it until December 2021, when she got a call from a Jeopardy! producer, inviting her to their Culver City, Calif. Studios on January 12, 2022 to film an episode.

“I had never been to Los Angeles or to the West Coast before, so that was very exciting,” Hannah said. “It was a very long day. You’re at the studio for 10 hours. Our green room was the Wheel of Fortune stage, so I got my makeup put on sitting 10 feet from the wheel. It’s under a tarp with a huge ‘Do Not Touch’ sign, but of course you want to.”

Hannah says she has always been an avid reader, and can recall facts and information very easily, thanks to her training on her high school’s Scholastic Bowl team and participating in eco-meets, where contestants had to recall ecological trivia.

“This also helps me in my role at the NBOME,” she said. “I started with zero medical experience and had to pick up a lot of medical terminology on the job. You have to quickly recall what certain root words mean, and then apply that knowledge to what you’re doing.”

Hannah's Jeopardy! episode aired March 10, 2022, and although she didn’t win, she did perform very well, and had a great time doing it.

“Everyone was so nice. The people who work for Jeopardy! are so pleasant and the other contestants were very pleasant, even though we were all nervous.”

Kim O'Malley -- Digital Marketing Manager

A love of anime turned Kim O’Malley into a traveler – one of body, mind, and spirit.

At nine years old, she began watching an anime series called Rurouni Kenshin—the Wandering Samurai. She fell in love with the language and the culture and just a few years later, she started practicing Aikido.

“Aikido stands out from other martial arts in that you learn to connect with your partner by trusting them and trusting yourself,” explains O’Malley, who is a second-degree black belt. “It’s noncompetitive, so you’re not trying to hurt your partner—you’re trying to take care of them. It’s about self-improvement. You’re not trying to win; you’re trying to make yourself better. I think that’s worth more.”

O’Malley’s love of Aikido has taken her all over the world attending seminars with her teacher, a direct line to Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido.

“When you’re working with people who don’t speak English, you’re able to communicate in other ways through the art of Aikido,” she says. “You don’t speak the same language, but you can still get to know them through the techniques. You’d be surprised how much information you can acquire about them just from moving a person’s body.”

O’Malley adds that she uses principles learned in Aikido in her everyday life.

“It gives me an awareness of others that helps when working with people. It pushes me to learn new things and learn more about myself. I taught myself everything I know about marketing and social media. I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t have that dedication and commitment ingrained in me as a child.”

From that first anime, O’Malley also developed a love of the samurai culture, which emphasizes impermanence and mindfulness.

“In samurai culture, the warrior does not live for long, so he is living for the here and now,” she says. “It teaches you to appreciate the beauty around you for the time it’s there.” She added that she loves samurai films and the work of renowned Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa.

O’Malley has continued learning Japanese, and attended college in Japan for a time.

“I went for the first time when I was 17 as a People to People Student Ambassador, and one of my favorite places in the world is Nijo Castle in Kyoto,” she says. “When I was in college, the (2011 Tohoku) earthquake happened and for a while after, I would go there every day. It has a nightingale floor, which sounds like the bird when you walk across it. It was originally made so that if a ninja came to assassinate the Lord, his body guards would be woken from sleep to defend him.”

After the earthquake, O’Malley returned to the U.S., and says she experienced a sadness that she was unable to stay and finish her studies there.

“Aikido helped me through that,” she says. “It cultivates a very loving, respectful, and supportive community of people. It’s similar to having another family—even if you butt heads, at the end of the day you still love and care for each other.”

Danielle Parker-Mangum -- Advocacy Manager

As the NBOME’s first ever Advocacy Manager, Danielle oversees NBOME’s outreach efforts to identify barriers, clarify information, and educate on osteopathic distinctiveness and the COMLEX-USA credential within the undergraduate medical education (UME) and graduate medical education (GME) community. These efforts include individual and organizational outreach to encourage parity acceptance for DO applicants at all medical student clinical rotations and residency or fellowship training programs.

Danielle is uniquely suited to this task; she has 20 plus years of work experience within the UME-GME community at institutions such as Cooper University Health System, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Penn Medicine and Jefferson Health.

"I know what both UME and GME programs are going through, such as what a recruitment day looks like or what onboarding a visiting medical student entails,” she says. “I know peak times to leave folks alone, and when is a more effective time to reach out.”

Danielle says her favorite part of working in that field was the outreach portion -- connecting the programs at her institution with the best possible candidates, and knowing what to look for.

“This role is the best of what I did previously; I can focus on advocating for equality,” she says. “At different organizations at which I worked, I had heard directly that certain programs didn’t accept DOs, so now I can help level the playing field.”

She’s excited to be at the NBOME to learn more about some of the technology used by the organization, and is fascinated by the ways the NBOME works to keep step with the changing nature of the osteopathic profession and of healthcare in general.

Danielle says she loves what she does, but she’s had to learn how to better balance her work life and her home life.

“I tried to handle a lot at once, working 13-14 hours per day,” she says. “I would go home, eat dinner, go to sleep, and then get back to work. Making time for hobbies, my health and my family is important.”

In fact, Danielle will be celebrating her 26th wedding anniversary in June 2023, heading to Canada with her husband, even though she describes herself as a “beach girl.” “My routine destinations are the beaches in the Caribbean, but Curacao, my favorite is fantastic,” she says. “It’s not a huge beach, but it’s beautiful, with crystal clear waters and perfect temperatures.

“During my last trip, I met folks from all over the world--including a Bahamian medical student interested in securing a US residency training spot,” she added. “Even during my vacations I encounter outreach opportunities in the field of UME and GME.”

A Standard of Excellence

At the NBOME, we believe that providing a high-quality testing experience for osteopathic medical students today can positively shape osteopathic medicine and health care in the United States tomorrow. The NBOME is recognized for excellence in the national and international arenas of osteopathic physician testing and evaluation, and we carry these standards of excellence into our workplace.

A Learning Culture

Our culture embraces collaboration, agility, excellence, and innovation. Our staff of dedicated professionals is committed to ongoing research, training, and quality assurance and improvement. Through a spirit of collaboration, the NBOME fosters an environment of professional development and learning for all. Our employees support our mission, vision, and core values by exhibiting the following behaviors:

Benefits Highlights

NBOME provides a comprehensive benefits program for all eligible employees:
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